Every day, cyber criminals hack into on-line accounts by using leaked, bought, or stolen passwords. You cannot always stop them even if you have changed your weak password '1234' to a strong combination of ‘'1234HetSterkstePaswoordTerWereld!!!'. However, you can by applying 2-factor authentication. It is high time everyone was aware of this. That is why the Centre For Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) commissioned us to launch a knight-in-shining-armour campaign.
2FA is a very innovative method to protect your accounts in just two simple steps. So, no longer just with your password alone. That method is completely outdated now. And what other type of protection is outdated? Yes, you are right, chain mail armour. We have brought a few knights to life and have allowed them to make an appearance in our campaign, with or without a horse in full armour. The knights have certainly caught the imagination of the media, and they have directed people to the website for more information about 2FA.