Almost two decades of client trust
We have 20 terabyte or 20.971.520 MB work to show you.
That’s a bit much, so we’ve made a selection. This is representative, not just ‘top shelf award-winning work only’. We don’t do awards, we don’t work for show. But we do love to show great work.
Want to find out who we work for? Here is an overview of our clients.
Our work
How a medieval knight kept Belgians safe online
Safe on Web
How to get Belgians comparing rates on a massive scale
BIPT - het beste tarief
How a medieval knight kept Belgians safe online
Safe on Web
How we can use an app to strengthen our resilience
Campaign about Coronalert
How we persuaded Flemings to put their own region on the travel bucket list.
Vlaanderen Vakantieland
How we gave a leading NGO its voice back - and led it to the top of the charts. Literally.
Fund raising campaign for 11.11.11.
How we brought the topic of unacceptable behaviour in sports and the cultural sector out into the open.
#kijknietweg with helpline 1712
How we made people work on their relationship - without invading their personal space.
Thursday date-day
How to turn something asexual into something hot
My MinFin
How we transformed the Odisee information days into a tremendous success
Odisee, the co-college
How we sent out smoke signals and caused a great stir
Information campaign smoke detectors
How we achieved employer branding in record time.
Employer branding Civil Protection Services
How a heartwarming story put Promat’s technical ingenuity on the global map.
Never compromise on safety
How we turned climate into priority No. 1 on the political agenda
11.11.11. - Een verkeerde toekomst
How we serenaded Brussels teachers
Hip-hop campaign for the Flemish Community Committee and Minister of Education
How students work for students who work
Student@work, the obvious place for every student worker
How we gave a leading NGO its voice back - and led it to the top of the charts. Literally.
Fund raising campaign for 11.11.11.
Plenty more where this came from.
Want to know more? Drop us a line